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Robbie's Class


Here you will find a few snaps of some of the wonderful activities and learning experiences we provide and enjoy with our amazing pupils. In P6/7 we believe in a pupil centred approach that combines each pupil's needs as well as interests to deliver an engaging, challenging and purposeful curriculum. 


March Highlight

This month we enjoyed making some delicious pancakes. The boys got to mix, pour, flip and of course eat! The toppings were epic too. We also enjoyed learning about different aspects of science and carrying out some experiments in class. 

February Highlight

This month we have enjoyed a well earned week off, and now we are focusing on our Easter Assembly preparations. As you can see, the children are working on some self portrait work to decorate the display boards in the hall. We are also practising our assembly performance which entails a presentation on 8 countries from around the world and how they celebrate Easter. 

January Highlight

January has been a busy month back at school with lots of new topics and learning opportunities. Our favourite moment was our trip to the Ulster Folk Museum. We had a look around all the old shops and buildings, had a lesson from an 'old' teacher and even managed a snowball fight which I think the class loved the most!

December Highlight

This month we have been finishing off our Oceans & Seas topic by looking at ocean life and pollution. This has been the first year of teaching this topic and the children have loved it. We are firmly on the countdown to Christmas now and as you can see, P6/7 is looking like a Winter Wonderland!

November Highlight 

This month we have been learning all about the oceans and the seas of the world. We have explored all over the world and been able to label all of the continents, surrounding seas and places like the Mariana Trench. We are continuing with this topic and beginning to explore in the seas and look at pollution. We are also beginning to think of Christmas and starting to countdown!

October Highlight

This month we have been finishing off our Dinosaur topic and getting ready for Halloween. We took on a project of completing a board for the assembly hall. We decided to call it 'How To Carve Pumpkins'. We started by researching some designs followed by a walk into Donaghadee to source some pumpkins. The rest of the steps can be followed from our display... enjoy! The boys all worked together really well to bring this project to life and took great pride in their efforts. 

September Highlight

We have had a brilliant first month back in P6/7. Everyone has settled back in as if they were never away. We have been working hard and having lots of fun too. The boys have been completing some baseline assessments in numeracy and literacy, getting stuck back into their reading and learning lots of interesting facts about our current topic 'Dinosaurs'! Next stop is Halloween so stay tuned for some spooky pumpkins...
