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Megan's Class

January: This month we have enjoyed learning about our topic ‘Winter and Cold Places’. We have created lots of amazing pieces of artwork using winter colours and using some natural materials. We explored the ‘Owl Babies’ story and a Snow Bear sensory story. A highlight of January was our super ‘chill’ sensology where we tasted cocoa powder, looked at a snowstorm in a bottle and got the shivers, feeling ice on our hands and feet. In cookery, we had fun making some snowman pizza faces and tasting the toppings too!

December: Christmas celebrations! Our class had an exciting month getting ready for Christmas. We enjoyed some dress up, art and craft and play activities. In cookery, we made reindeer Rice Krispie buns and Christmas trifle - super yummy! Attention autism was a highlight this month, full of our favourite fun, singing and light up toys. Another highlight was going on a trip to see the Winter Wonderland at Glenmachan Church to meet Santa and Mrs Claus. A very special and exciting day! We also got to see Santa when he came to see us at school by helicopter! A very merry Christmas to everyone!

November: This month our theme has been ‘Transport and Road Safety’. We enjoyed our sensory story ‘We’re going on a car ride’ and we made lots of super crafts about vehicles on land, in the sea and in the sky. As always, cookery has been a weekly highlight, we’ve made traffic light jelly, Rice Krispie treats and even some red velvet buns. In thinking and problem solving, we have explored 2D and 3D shape. A highlight from this theme was practising our learning of crossing the road safely, pressing the button, looking and listening, and waiting for the green man. We took a well deserved pit stop in the cafe for some juice and scones too! On our bus trip this month, we went to the Walled Garden in Bangor and explored the museum there as well. A fun filled November!

October: During this month, we have used our senses to explore the change in season to Autumn. We’ve enjoyed some walks to the forest to see the changes in colour and collect amazingly coloured leaves that we have used in beautiful autumnal art masterpieces! We’ve made popcorn, ice cream cone witches’ hats and pumpkin Rice Krispie buns in cookery this month. In attention autism, we have made witches potions and practised our communication and attention skills. To finish this half term we had a spook-tacular time trick or treating across school and having a disco!

September: What a busy start we have had. We have had lots of fun exploring our topic What Makes Me ME! We have enjoyed lots of sensory opportunities, outdoor play in the lovely sunshine and had a great time at Mrs Brown’s farm for some blackberry picking. Take a look at our September highlight reel!

Hello and welcome to our class! We are a group of 5 super boys and 1 fabulous girl aged between 8-10 years old. Our teacher is Megan and we have two amazing classroom assistants; Nicola and Lieve. Everyday we are welcomed into school with enthusiasm, excitement and care. In this class, we aim to support our pupils to grow and thrive in the world around them. We do this by facilitating a pupil-centred approach that fosters positive relationships, supports independence and life skills and nurtures individual needs and interests. Everyday we engage in communication with the aid of PECs books and GoTalk to support pupil voice. Through play, intensive interaction and sensory experiences, we aim to boost attention and focus skills and curiosity for the world that we live in. These engaging learning experiences allow our pupils to learn at their own pace and to reach for the stars! Make sure to come back soon to see what we get up to!
