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Lily's Class

Hello and welcome to our class page! We have five amazing KS2 pupils in our class and our curriculum is created with them at the centre. In our class we recognise the importance of building connections & earning children's trust, we do this through play, sensory exploration, intensive interaction and the curiosity program. Our learning is focused around the four key areas of communication, play & leisure, thinking & problem solving and independent living skills. It is a privilege to be trusted with the children in our class and we hope you enjoy looking at some of the fun we get up to this year. 

February: We focused on two big areas this month. Firstly, in preparation for our annual Bring & buy sale we have been working on our shopping skills and we put that into practice on the day of the sale. Everybody managed their own money purse and found some bargains! The second has been love week; we learned about Valentine's day through sensology and we celebrated the people we love by making them Valentines cards, typing them messages and baking heart biscuits to give as a gift.

January: This month our topic has been Winter, we have been working on naming and requesting clothes that keep us warm and we have been practicing fastening buttons and zips on our Winter clothes so that we can dress ourselves for the outdoors. A highlight of this month was our trip to Stormont park, as you can see everyone had a brilliant time.

December: We have celebrated all things Christmas this month! We learned about the nativity story through sensory exploration, created crafts and presents for our loved ones and we also visited the Christmas shop to buy new toys for our classroom.

November: Our theme this month has been "the Gingerbread man." We have loved our sensology & sensory story sessions as you can see through the pictures. As part of our thinking & problem solving we have been learning about bakeries; we have read customer orders and counted out buns to make up treat boxes and we have been following visual instructions to make simple recipes. Our favourite part of our topic was making and decorating gingerbread men.

October: This month we finished up our "inside out" topic and we started exploring Autumn and traditional Halloween fun. We all really enjoyed a walk to the forest to collect Autumn leaves and some Halloween themed messy play.

September: We all made the most of the September sunshine & enjoyed lots of outdoor play opportunities. We have enjoyed settling back into school routines and exploring our topic "This is me". We all really enjoyed the back to school fun day this month.
