Joanne's Class

Welcome to Joanne's class. We are looking forward to sharing our experiences and activities here each month with you. In P5 we focus on the continuing development of independence and life skills, alongside literacy and numeracy skills, through a range of interactive topics and activities. Enjoy finding out what our P5 superstars have been up to!
February Highlights:
After half term we started our new topic 'Around the World'. Our first stop was Egypt and we learned where Egypt is and what the flag looks like. We created some beautiful sunset pictures using a wash of paints and black silhouettes for the pyramids and camels.
We also had our first Shared Education session with Donaghadee Primary school. We ate our snack together, played parachute games, drew portraits of each other, went for a walk, and played games in the playground. It was a fantastic day and the children loved talking about their new friends afterwards.

January Highlights:
After a lovely Christmas break we were glad to get back to school and see our friends again. Throughout January we learned about the Titanic. Some of the children had chosen books about the Titanic from the library before Christmas so we followed their interest. We looked at how the Titanic was built, the people who travelled on it, and how it sank. We had great fun building our own ships and testing them to see if they would float or sink.
Building our boats

The Maiden Voyage

December Highlights:
Our Christmas celebrations began with a trip to Stranmillis to watch their pantomime at the beginning of the month. The cast of Frozen were amazing and we even got to meet Olaf! We wrote letters to Santa and posted them in the special postbox in school. We couldn't believe it when, a few days later, there was a special delivery for our class. Santa had replied to our letters! Thankfully everyone was on the 'nice' list. We particularly enjoyed seeing Santa and playing in the snowglobe. On our last day of term we joined together with Annu's class for our Christmas party.

November Highlights:
Throughout the month of November we enjoyed Autumn walks and also made vegetable soup and sausages and mash to warm us up on the cold days. We learned about dinosaur and created some amazing pictures to display in our room.

October Highlights:
October was a fun-filled month as we learned about different kinds of food and where it comes from in our topic 'Food, Glorious Food.' We also had a visit from the Fire Brigade to teach us about fire safety. At the end of the month we dressed up for Halloween and made a delicious chocolate spider cake in cookery.

September Highlights:
What a lovely start to the P5 year we have had. We went to Ward Park on the Tuesday bus and looked at all the birds, visited the library, and played in the park. We have enjoyed learning in the new outdoor classroom each week, as well as developing our cookery skills in HE. We have made sandwiches, brownies and pizzas. As part of our 'Food' topic we have taken turns to be chefs, waiters and customers in the classroom chip shop.